Monday, June 27, 2011

No Way Out But One : Fund Raising Update by Garland Waller (Please spread widely)

Dear Friends: Click here....No Way Out But One for update

Fundraising Update from Garland Waller on Vimeo.


Click here to donate even just $5.00

We have good news, bad news and more good news. The real good news it that post-production of the full-length version of No Way Out But One is going great. We have received the never before seen FBI files, and we are finishing up our final interviews. This is really going to be a powerful story about one remarkable mother’s efforts to keep her children safe, and the harrowing experience that Child and Family Court has become for so many protective parents and children.

The bad news is that we are coming up on the deadline for contributions to Kickstarter and we have a long way to go. But the other good news is that if we can get a substantial number of modest $5 individual contributions – yes honestly, just $5 will do it – someone will kick in a major grant to help us reach the final goal of $20,000 to complete and distribute the film.

We are deeply indebted to the women and men who have already given generously because we are getting there, but this one particular donor wants to see that there really is a GROUNDSWELL OF SUPPORT. It’s all in the numbers.

If you have already given, thank you and if not, you can still help soooo much. Just post this, send this, get this word out.

Ask friends to compare it to a skipping a latte.... or just give $5 because by adding $5, so many can help reach $20,000 for a good cause. The issue is so important. We, in this group, already know that. The issue of family court injustice affects so many people’s lives.

We are totally dedicated to the project. But we must have this funding to complete all the work we need to do.

So, yes, I am begging, please post this request on FACEBOOK, Tweet it, send it out to your groups – all your groups. It’s a numbers game. Help us win!

Tell your friends, all they have to do is click here....

No Way Out But One

Thank you.


No Way Out But One

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mary Jill Dougan Dykes – Court Appointed Child Abuser- Child Trafficking in Topeka, Kansas

M. Jill Dykes- Court Appointed Child Abuser— Nice profile pic! June 22, 2011

Screenshot details Url:

Created: 6/22/2011 5:02:17 PM

So how many mothers have YOU DENIED their God Given Right to MOTHER?—Too many. Blood Profit, Child Trafficking.

I bet your daughter is soooooooo proud of you. I wonder what she thinks about what you do to other mothers.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

ONLY 15 Comments out of 1,237 about Domestic Violence in the KS Blue Ribbon Commission’s ‘Feedback from Community and other Meetings and directly-received Documents”

Selected comments from 1,237 comments in the Blue Ribbon Commission’s Feedback from Community and other Meetings and directly-received Documents (56 pages), updated June 15, 2011.


15 statements about Domestic Violence

the last statement the only statement dealing with battered mothers in custody disputes. (open up file, use your tool bar ‘find’ type in “Domestic”(or any other search term)

1. 32. Attorneys using e-filing in Shawnee County for the limited actions cases are very favorable towards e-filing, and noted the system was used for child support and domestic cases also.

2. 4. Domestic and sexual assault victim safety and privacy are critical. Many victims are unrepresented and video conferencing can be very threatening to them

3. 62. It could be dangerous to set domestic violence bonds by phone.

4. 96. If video conferencing is used for domestic violence hearings, the perpetrator will have the edge.

5. 26. A domestic violence case deserves to have immediate access to judge. We're all Kansas people; we all deserve access to justice. The only reason not to have access to justice is political expediency.

6. 29. Domestic and sexual assault victims rely heavily on DMJs; immediate access to the court is critical

7. 42. Access to justice is necessary in order to provide safety for our clients that are victims of sexual assault and domestic violence

8. 68. KLS in civil cases can assist person who meets the legal definition of “poor” or if a victim of domestic violence. KLS can also assist otherwise with the use of forms, the library, etc., but if a true emergency, forms are not enough, and KLS often recommends an attorney because usually a large number of temporary orders might be needed.

9. 139. Sometimes finding enough mediators is a problem. Only a certain number of people want to do it and are good at it. It's hard to qualify as a mediator in the state. It's hard to get mediators qualified in the state; it takes a lot of hours and money to get certified; it takes a lot of commitment. However, it's money and time well-spent. Not all attorneys are good mediators: attorneys are taught to be bull dogs, mediators aren't. Mediators are not required to be attorneys: social workers and paralegals can be good mediators. It's better to have law-trained mediators, if they spend the time to get trained. It's financially difficult for solo practitioners in rural areas to get certified, considering the time and money it takes. Certification has different requirements for civil and domestic mediation.

10. 72. It would help if the forms for domestic abuse cases were in a fillable pdf format and if those forms were available in Spanish

11. 103. Some grant money in Wyandotte County now is used for domestic cases.

12. 161. We could charge more for domestic case filings

13. 34. Domestic courts are a business rather than a judicial organization

14. 89. Emergency access to courts is very critical to domestic violence victims

15. 90. Concern was expressed for not having more cases, especially post-divorce, getting placed with mediators and case managers who are not educated or experienced with domestic violence.

See Kansas Watch Dog for more information about the Kansas Blue Ribbon Commission’s progress or or thereby lack of Progress in Fixing a broken Judicial System

Documents submitted to the Blue Ribbon Commission suggesting possible improvements in the Kansas Court system “Are Not Open Records’’- Guess they missed the whole ‘Transparency’ thing..

Suggestions about court improvements are not open records

By Earl Glynn On June 16, 2011

Statue of Justice at Kansas Judicial Center

Documents submitted to the Blue Ribbon Commission suggesting possible improvements in the Kansas Court system are not open records.

The public may only view summaries prepared by the Blue Ribbon Commission.

In January Kansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Lawton Nuss announced the appointment of the 24-member “Blue Ribbon Commission” to conduct an intensive review of the state courts.

The BRC held 19 regional public hearings from April 18 to June 6 and asked the public for feedback verbally or in writing to four questions:

  • Are there things the courts do locally that could be performed regionally or at one central statewide location to improve their efficiency?
  • How could the courts use technology to make their operations more cost-effective or improve access to the courts?
  • How can the courts become more flexible in the use of people and facilities as workloads and funding fluctuate?
  • What other ideas, issues, or concerns do you want the BRC to consider?

The public was also invited to submit written comments via the email address


The BRC published online a summary of verbal and written feedback from each of the 19 meetings as well as a consolidated summary.

After the hearings completed on June 6 in Topeka, Kansas Watchdog sent an email to the above address asking two questions:

  • Are the written statements submitted to the BRC open records that can be reviewed by the public?
  • What other information collected by the BRC will be put online for review by the public?

Steve Grieb, general counsel to Chief Justice Nuss, responded Tuesday via email:

“The documents submitted to the BRC are for the BRC.”

Grieb gave no other answer or explanation, except that summaries would be put online.

Apparently, the public can read the online 56-page summary with 1,237 comments but cannot review the original documents.

The tentative timeline indicates a final report for presentation to the Kansas Supreme Court will be ready in late December 2011.

Kansas Watchdog reviewed the online 1,237 comments and selected some representative comments below.  Follow the link below to read the complete summary document.

Selected comments from 1,237 comments in the Blue Ribbon Commission’s Feedback from Community and other Meetings and directly-received Documents (56 pages), updated June 15, 2011.
Q1. Are there things the courts do locally that could be performed regionally or at one central statewide location to improve their efficiency?  (64 comments)

a. Regionalize (27 comments)

10. Probably don’t need 31 judicial districts.

14. Having a courthouse within 70 miles would be fine if they close some courthouses.

26. Why is technology not being used to bring urban work to the rural areas? That would save jobs and keep services intact.

b. Keep at local level (37 comments)

11. Take the state out of the courts, and let each county have its own court, as it was before 1977.

28. When the state collects taxes, there is a promise of a certain level of services, and public safety is a promise.

32. Criminals come from the cities to prey on the elderly in the rural counties. The counties need more help, not more of a burden.

Q2. How could the courts use technology to make their operations more cost-effective or improve access to the courts?  (334 comments)

a. A/V Technology (134 comments)

11. Allow W. KS judges to hold hearings in E. KS through audio/ video conferencing.

54. Skype or other internet-based appearances should be fine for technical witnesses in particular, should be mandated statewide, and should be admissible in jury trials.

123. Could see benefits such as safety to video conferencing by not having face-to-face confrontations to further the intimidations and could see advantages as far as transportation and travel.

b. E-everything (97 comments)

3. Put records online so that one can see what is filed without having to go to courthouse.

7. More information s/b available on the web. A manual search for records in many places is still necessary.

22. Court rules require paper records to be kept, so E-filing could be more useful if the rules were changed to not require retention of paper records.

42. Making computers accessible to the pro se public will be necessary with e- filing.

c. Anti-technology (100 comments)

3. Juveniles need face-to-face contact with a judge. The nervousness of going in front of the judge impresses upon them the seriousness of the situation and their offense. Relationships can be established through face-to-face contact. Interacting with judge solely through monitor is too close to a video game.

23. There is a difference between appearing in court personally or over a camera. There is a stronger impact when the person appears personally before the judge, especially with juveniles.

49. Technology is not optimal for reading facial expressions.

96. If video conferencing is used for domestic violence hearings, the perpetrator will have the edge.

d.  Other (3 comments)

2. An automated call system to remind defendants/respondents of upcoming hearings may help reduce failures to appear.

3. Cameras and better acoustics in the courtrooms are necessary to hear all individuals, including jurors.

Q3. How can the courts become more flexible in the use of people and facilities as workloads and funding fluctuate?  (194 comments)

a. Consolidate/Share (57 comments)

14. Consolidation will not necessarily save any money, and could cost money through re-modeling, travel, etc.

20. Caseloads do not justify the number of judges in each district; they should be used in other districts also.

54. The Commission should remember that it’s hard to have centralization when there isn’t centralized funding: salaries are paid by state, but everything else is paid for by the county.

b. District Magistrate Judges (DMJs) & District Court Judges(DJs)  (113 comments)

39. We use DMJs here; some have law degrees, some don’t. We have very good DMJs in this district. Other districts that don’t use DMJs should consider using them.

41. The bar will usually say that they favor retention; the public will usually say that they prefer elections.

60. The public doesn’t really know what judges do. They react only to a few high profile opinions or cases.

79. Appeals from magistrates to district judges are a problem. Things should not be tried twice.

101. We give up some accountability when one switches from elected to appointed judges.

113. We owe it to the accused, particularly those who are innocent, to be able to get a judge in the middle of the night, if necessary.

c.  Other (24 comments)

7. Poverty in this area is a predominant issue, a real consideration: not having a car to get to hearings, no public transportation. One attorney has clients who walk to Chanute to make meetings. He has clients who remain married, although completely out of touch, because they don’t have the money for a divorce.

16. The chief judge position should rotate among the judges in a district.

24. We need to look outside the box for ways to do more with less.


4. What other ideas, issues, or concerns do you want the BRC to consider?  (645 comments)

a.  Access to Justice/Timeliness  (149 comments)

3. Government is saying please come to western KS, but don’t expect any services here.

26. A domestic violence case deserves to have immediate access to judge. We’re all Kansas people; we all deserve access to justice. The only reason not to have access to justice is political expediency.

30. Removing judges from our rural areas will increase lawlessness and create a lack of access to justice.

93. There needs to be a more strict and literal interpretation of constitution provisions, both the US and Kansas – due process, speedy trail, no double jeopardy, trial by jury, etc.

144. There is a real concern about access to justice in rural areas. How far can we ask low income persons involved in child in need or care or protection from abuse cases to drive?

b.  Process change (74 comments)

7. Docket fees are too high and some people can’t afford it.

23. Judges should explain how expensive cases will be if they go to trial, and attorneys should do the same.

48. It seems like there is a lot of wasted time while serving jury duty.

62. The Court of Appeals should schedule cases from western Kansas in the afternoon instead of at 9:00 AM, so we would not have to spend the night at a motel.

c.  Money/Vacancies (173 comments)

1. Counties are full of unfunded mandates.

10. Professors and superintendents of schools make more than judges.

18. Finney Co. pays $500,000 for interpreters; can this expense be paid by someone else?

32. Increase court costs. The court costs in Kansas are much lower than many other states around us.

51. To save money, the state would have to merge counties, not just courthouses.

151. County budgets are tight.

d.  Legislature  (57 comments)

7. The fight between the legislature and the supreme court over school finance and death penalty is a problem.

8. More authority should be given back to the counties. They are losing local representation. We need to stop that.

11. The judicial branch is an equal branch of government; Legislature should act like it knows that.

28. The Legislature should not micro-manage a co-equal branch of government by allocating positions, including judges, to particular districts. The Supreme Court should be given the ability to allocate resources, both personnel and financial.

e.  One judge per county (35 comments)

2. Must protect the one judge per county law; it allows access to the judicial system. Local judges should deal with local issues.

16. When politics gets involved in the judiciary, you’ve got problems.

30. It is critically important for a community to have a judge that lives in the community. A judge that resides in a community is more important to the community than one that travels in for court proceedings.

f.  Blue Ribbon Commission (25 comments)

5. This commission was established to take more things away from western Kansas and give to eastern Kansas.

9. Don’t want the BRC to make recommendations that will disenfranchise rural Kansas to take care of the problems in more urban areas.

11. Take a bold proposal back to the Supreme Court – equal access to justice.

g.  Furloughs/staffing (40 comments)

3. The furloughs did tremendous harm: they denied access to the courts, injured the clerks because their work piled up; a good clerk quit because of the furloughs. Furloughs absolutely should not be done. Most harm is done to the people who do the most work for us. More people will quit if the furloughs happen again this year.

11. No incentive to remain on the job given furloughs and low pay.

15. With reduced budgets, there is more cross training underway in the urban districts at least.

h. Other (92 comments)

7. Commission should return the courts to the local people and decentralize the court system. Local decisions need to be respected. Local control is essential.

9. Sedgwick County appoints people to hear some types of cases; these people are neither appointed through a district court nominating commission nor elected by the people.

10. Court re-distribution will cause further population declines in Western Kansas.

21. Need to look for cuts in other areas besides the judicial system which has a huge impact on our quality of life.

29. Pro se litigants need assistance.

33. Rules about published opinions of the Supreme Court of Kansas are not being followed by that Court.

41. Public education about the court system is needed.

56. Look at actions of attorneys and parties. There needs to be more accountability and fines for frivolous lawsuits. The system is bogged down by cases that shouldn’t be there.

85. We feel like we cannot trust Topeka.

Contact: Earl F Glynn,,
Reprinting: Kansas Watchdog is a free wire service and we welcome reprinting and only ask for attribution and notification. If you’d like to reprint this story we ask that you e-mail the author with the date the story will run and the outlet name.


Posted under Accountability, Column A, Constitution, Judiciary, Kansas Government, Transparency.
Tags: Blue Ribbon Commission, Kansas Supreme Court, Lawton Nuss, Open Records, Steve Grieb

One Comment For This Post So Far
  1. Claudine Dombrowski
    12:04 Pm On June 16th, 2011

    This is so wrong. I guess they missed the whole ‘transparency’ thing?
    Thanks Kansas Watch Dog and Earl for posting all this information.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



Posted: mamaliberty















For decades now, mothers that have survived domestic violence and family court have continued to scream for justice, now they’re starving for it, literally.  This week in Arizona a mother has made the ultimate sacrifice not only her body but for all mothers that are used and abused by the family court system, she has begun a hunger strike.

In Arizona a judge ordered that a mother be placed in jail for arrears in child support.  Now mind you this mother does not get to see her children in a normal setting to begin with.  This mother, like the thousands of others, is a “non-custodial” mother.  She’s not just a “non-custodial” she is also a domestic abuse survivor, for whatever that’s worth these days anyways.  A domestic violence survivor or victim will receive the worst treatment from the family court system than any other judicial “branch” (besides a rape victim).  But it’s the same if you were raped it was YOUR fault, if you were abused it was YOUR fault.  After 100 years of women in the early 19th century fighting for the right to vote we are still at a place where women are oppressed.  We make less than men, work more and get our children taken away.   Now if all that’s not bad enough at insult to injury when you are thrown into the family court arena.  Now you are “forced” to “co-parent” with your abuser.  That’s right, not only does he have access still to your life he then does everything in his powers (by way of his attorney who is the judges golfing buddy, oh and didn’t I tell ya…the judge knows the abusers dad…they go waaaay back, and the GAL oh yeah he’s golfing buddies with them all too).  Once the abuser becomes the master manipulator that he is and gets by with a  lot of help from his dads friends, soon gets custody.  Then after that it continues with supervised visits (because you are a bad mother in whatever fictitious label they can pin on you) and soon after comes the child support because even though he makes more than you do with working two or three jobs… he can’t do it ALL BY HIMSELF.  My mother did.

Family Court Judges, lawyers, psychologists and other supporters of female victims to interpret the effects and impacts of abuse as equivalent to passivity, incompetence, and poor mental health. So what can women and their supporters do to combat this social problem?

Mothers that have been abused should AVOID family court at all costs.  They should run as fast as they can away, far far away from the abuser, because IF there isn’t “placement order” in place at the time of escape your chances are better than him tracking you down and THEN trying to get the children. ALWAYS have your children in YOUR care and custody. Even IF the abuser just wants to take the kids for “one night”.  Do not fall for the trickery. Many mothers have lost their children this way. Either by the abuser claiming HE had custody (just as mine did) or running off with them or even worse, murder.

So with all this in mind you should also be “aware” that these travesties are not something “new” the courts are doing.  This has been going on for decades.  This started in the 1980′s when more mothers returned to work and became more independent and decided they didn’t need a “Mr. Mom”.  When they began the child support system that spurned the phrase “dead beat dad” for the era that’s when the men folk starting fighting back and then abusers caught on that this system could work to their advantage since we wanted equality after all…didn’t we?

We did and we still do, but even in the year 2011 it is far off.  The right to vote, 19 th amendment was the last and only rights that women have in the constitution.  But if you want to count the 14th amendment which states,

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Then again that would mean WE (as in women) have equality in this nation right?  Not really.  With the recent political atmosphere with state governments and their power grabs and war on women’s reproductive rights, we are losing “rights” every day. The women of the 1970′s that started a revolution of women yearning for the Equal Rights Amendment, here we are in the new millennium with only 38 states out of 50 that have “ratified” the ERA.  How much longer?

Now, at this very moment an Arizona mother has taken all she can.  Not unlike the women’s suffragists who went on hunger strikes for the right to place a ballot, she is too.  This mother works two jobs and has limited contact, if any, to her children.  Her abuser has hidden assets and comes from a very “well off” family.  He’s not doing it because he’s starving, he’s doing it because he can.  Years of family court conflicts, collusion and cronyism have taken its toll on this mothers soul.  This woman has decided that she would rather starve and be hospitalized because it matters not what the courts can do to her, THIS is a politicized statement that the family court system is corrupt and we’re not taking it anymore.  We’ve signed petitions, played the niceties with government officials who’ve gave us lip service, we’ve sacrificed our children and our savings accounts, we’ve marched the streets of Washington DC on Mother’s Day, we are done trying to get your attention, we DEMAND it now.

Yesterday was “Day One” of the hunger strike, we are now on “Day Two”.  This mother says she must come up with $2,000 in 60 days or she will be put in jail, per judges orders.  This mother is more determined than ever to get out of the circle jerk of family court.  She’s lost everything but her free will.  Perhaps this will be the one thing that she can control in her life since her abuser and his colluders continue their rage against her.

So Day Two is sliding into Day Three and I know with all my heart that the tenacity of this mother she is not giving up and we need to stand by her.  I cannot with any good conscience not sound the trumpets for the triumphant return of the suffragists spirits to rise again with us and guide us to freedom of enlslavement of the patriarchy  My prayer and mantra is that we begin our first voyage into the unknown world  non-violent protest.  I beg all victims of the family court system  and their allies align their voices and let the world know we will not ignored.  In the same vane as our Foremothers did and their daughters of the 70′s ERA movement. But this time we really DO get equal rights.

Stay tuned as this blog is about to expose EVERY one of the corrupt family court officials from Arizona

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Guardian Ad Litem Scandals - Legislative Reforms Needed

The Guardian Ad Litem Scandals - Legislative Reforms Needed

Posted in Uncategorized by americanmotherspoliticalparty

Posted with permissions from: Montana Public Radio, KUFM, which ran on their news broadcast 10-5-2010.

Interview with Assistant News Director Edward O'Brien and Kathleen Russell of the about the cottage industry of Guardian Ad Litems aka GAL's and the much needed State to State Reforms to pull their Immunity from accountability and prosecution for sending children to live with abusers in Disputed Child Custody Cases.

Remember that therapeutic jurisprudence COSTS money, and prolongs litigation. It costs nothing to abrogate their immunity and/or to get rid of them. See,

Listen Now:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges: A Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases

Judicial Guide

Shawnee County Courthouse Eight Criminal Convictions of Battery Violence, Domestic Battery—While on Probation for DV conviction He sues custody of his victims infant daughter…… and gets it.


Ms. Dombrowski isn’t Mr. Richardson’s only crime victim.  Somehow he cons, manipulates, badgers, and bullies his way into walking away with just a little slap on the wrist:  

  • April 4, 1984:  guilty of misdemeanor ~ 6 years probation and $50 fine; discharged from probation on July 18, 1984.  (82 CR 01860)

  • October 20, 1989:  guilty of battery against a law enforcement officer ~ 1 year supervised probation; charges of DUI and obstruction of justice were dismissed; $75 fine; discharged early from probation on July 24, 1989.  (89 CR 01537)

  • March 28, 1991:  guilty of attempted battery on August 13, 1990 ~ $283.66 victim compensation for medical costs; no contact order to protect Jon Rayls; no alcohol or drugs; 1 year supervised probation; discharged early on April 29, 1991.  (90 CR 1308)

Richardson Was on Supervised Probation When He Petitioned for Custody

Mr. Richardson petitioned for custody on March 4, 1996. . .three months before he was expelled from the batterers group for being a disruptive lost cause.  He was released from probation on June 13, 1996.  

Yet, the GALs and the court-appointed child psychologist perceive Ms. Dombrowski as the dangerous party.  In fact, GAL Dykes asked for an escort to protect her when she left the courtroom on Friday.  

You’d think with all the convictions, blood, cuts, and bruises they would be deeply concerned for the safety of the minor child and do everything possible to protect her from her criminal father.  Nope.  They’ve forced her to reside with a convicted criminal, his coffin coffee table, and the gun on the wall.  The courts have failed to protect her every day of her life.

New Search













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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

KS Attorney Disciplinary Board Rubber Stamps Attorney Violations –So What's new? Re: Status of Complaint filed Against M. Jill Dykes- KS BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION


Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 2:51 PM


Subject: Re: Status of Complaint filed Against M. Jill Dykes

I received the status of the complaint,

I also noted that you did not address the fact that an attorney gave a confidential phone number to her husband to call me.

Even I know what rule 101 of confidentiality is. No wonder the courts are so screwed up, and to think that this is all being approved by those 'policing' attorney ethics.

Perhaps you failed to get the police report or perhaps the audio of the call was conveniently lost.

If so her it is for you convenience. Listen to him lie over and over. About how he got my number, he basically admitted that wife gave him my number-- keeping in mind she is the only one who had my number as a party to the case besides the other parties to the case.


Claudine Dombrowski

(just another victim of  the 'Just-us' attorneys only process)



Court Appointed Child Abuser - M. JILL DYKES and her cronies can legally harass, threaten and have her HUSBAND CHRISTOPHER DYKES call a private number of a Battered Mother of the child who Mary JILL Dougan DYKES allows to be with a KNOWN, admitted and convicted ABUSER - HAL RICHARDSON, as they all get away with fucking and legally trafficking kids.
Its attorneys rule and the rest of you are all fucked! Entire unedited audio here

Disciplinary Board says ---

Sham in Shawnee County Topeka, Kansas
The last time I did court watch for protective mother CLAUDINE DOMBROWSKI, I called my subsequent posting on the experience "Showdown in Shawnee County." See the post here

I can't even call the hearing held on October 19, 2010 a showdown. It was just a sham.
Let's do a little review. Claudine is a battered mother who lost custody of her only daughter in an ex parte hearing in 2004. (Ex parte means the mother wasn't even represented at the hearing.) Since then, she has had very little visitation. The hearing in January 2010 (see post above) was supposed to fix that. And finally, Claudine was awarded two hours of unsupervised visitation on Sunday and telephone contact twice a week. We figured it was a start.
Well, this was not to be. And not because of anything Claudine did.
Some serious healing was going on-- and in there lies the problem. Abusers can not allow that - It is their Complete control. Lets Review... Continue reading

Guardian AD Chargem- M. Jill Dykes Topeka KS paid for by YOUR Tax $



Cursory Google Search On M. JILL DYKES Child Trafficker



Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 11:31 AM


Subject: Status of Complaint filed Against M. Jill Dykes


My name is Claudine Dombrowski and I filed a complaint against M. Jill Dykes last October 2010.

It has already gone through one or two investigations but I have yet to hear of the status including my initial interview with an investigative attorney Leatherman.

Can you please let me know the standing on this complaint?

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Claudine Dombrowski
